Friday, February 27, 2009
What a day, woke up and pull myself of bed to get to school(by the way i am on M.C. today) bath, and go to school. Reach school people like see me scared like see ghost like that.. Thanks to those who cared for me so much, a lot of people ask me whether i am OK.... I came just because there is a history test today and went home after completing it... Actually i wrote 3 pages for , Do you think the Treaty Of Versailles is fair towards Germany... and there is 2 other question which i did on 1 page each. I was myself shock to how fast i write even though i am not feeling well....I completed the paper in just 35 minutes and i headed home...Cough Cough, what to do, it has already been a few days since i started coughing, kelp me someone, save me of my misery...PS spent the rest of the day sleeping...ha ha felt sorry for those NCC cadets who had speech day parade rehearsal, who spent their afternoon marching under the hot sun...
i danced @ 7:11 PM
Saturday, February 21, 2009

The first time when i enter the class n the first day of school, all of them were so shy that me and aaron were talking to ourselves...
As week by week pass , you gettinig to know us more, you were so noisy that it was so hard for us to control you and its like the finale is nearing and we have not come out with a performance and a class cheer...All of you finally participated and become so enthu that i was as crazy as all of you...and we manage to get the things done last minute... Well done 1 Fotini or should i say 1Family..I am so proud of all of you.All the best in your secondary school life.
To the Facilitators, i know sometimes i was harsh to you but it is a must as we have to show to them that the prefects are a bunch of rensponsble students..And the effort paid off, Mdm Wong said we made such an impression that alot of them want to join the board...Thank You for all that you have done, the performance would not be a success without you around as i was so busy handling the other stuffs...
i danced @ 12:56 PM
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Went to Jonathan Toh's blog and found a link to a website that tells you the meaning of your name... Here is what my name means haha its quite true actually....
The name Muhammad Hisyam induces a sense of freedom and adventure, risks and rewards, gambling and daring acts of courage. The name has passion and excitement.
One senses that Muhammad Hisyam can do anything, is extremely capable, and a true survivor. It is also highly flexible, can adapt to new circumstances quickly, and has excellent reflexes; often, important decisions are made in seconds, seemingly impulsively even. But due to sharp intuition and even sharper intelligence, those decisions are almost always right on the money. Youthful, dynamic and energetic, this name draws people who want things to be "different," and don't like the tried and proven.
Social, outgoing, something skirting the acceptable - or even pushing the envelope of what is legal.
Muhammad Hisyam 's most positive characteristics: Productive, dynamic, adaptable. Good at promoting self.
Muhammad Hisyam 's most negative characteristics: Can be unorganized, scattered. Lacks direction. Needs maturity and discipline.
i danced @ 3:34 PM
Saturday, February 14, 2009
woahhhhhhhhh... finally got time to sit down and blog...ha ha.... A lot of things has been happening and there is so much to blog about but mostly i forgot those who have been visiting my blog sorry for not updating for so long.... its like it has been 2 months since i blog.... help me please someone i am failing my E & A maths constantly... i need help... Never mind i just need to practise, practise and practise and ta daa like magic will pass ha ha... to my juniors, don't hesitate to look for me when you have problems, cannot find me, ask me for my number or anyone who has it and sms or call me.... If you dont want to talk to me approach any senior and we will be glad to help you.. Don't forget we were once in your shoes so we understand your situation...Another thing where is my valentine gift!!!!!!ha ha so no face ask people for gift... OK that's all wishing those who are sick a speedy recovery, those who keep failing may you pass all your test with flying colours and lastly to everyone lead a happy and healthy life...till next time
i danced @ 7:37 AM